Bron Breaker vs. Apollo crews, Iron Survivor matches, a new day at work

It’s Roxanne Perez and Zoe Stark who kick off the match for their first ever Iron Survivor match, and Stark immediately goes into the early fall, with Perez also trying the same, and so things continue between them as they seem to feel each other out. Stark then slams her opponent onto the mat, flexing her strength, but Perez gets herself back into it with a hip throw into a bar.

Kiana James then enters the match and immediately attacks Perez, but Stark comes from behind and elbows in the face. She puts her focus back on Perez with a shoulder tackle, but then eats a kick with Perez on her shoulders, and this nearly knocks Roxanne down when it lands on her until Stark stops her. Stark rocks Perez with an onigiri, then kicks her back out of the ring as he slams her down the stairs.

Stark then fell to the floor as he targeted James Perez until she and Stark collided inside the ring. Stark then pushed it up into the air and caught Perez with a knee kick for the first fall as Perez entered the penalty area.

Jade – 0

Hartwell – 0

James – 0

Perez – 0

Stark – 1

Then comes Core Jade, and as soon as Perez is free, she immediately attacks her former tag team partner. Perez then sends James and Stark flying with kicks, then accuses James and Stark of doing the same. She then hits a sweep at Rossi’s leg, but James breaks that up. However, Jade bounced back and got a roll up on James to secure a point.

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Jade – 1

Hartwell – 0

James – 0

Perez – 0

Stark – 1

Perez and Jade work together to superkick Jade, but Stark then searches for Crossface submission until Jade spots the Indian Deathlock on her injury. Perez fights it out and locks a serve of her own, but that breaks when James returns. Stark then attacks and Jade falls to the mat as the final entrant – Indi Hartwell joining the match. She nails Perez with a huge boot, which allows her to fall.

Jade – 1

Hartwell – 1

James – 0

Perez – 0

Stark – 1

Jade nails Stark with a big blow to the forearm, which sends them going back and forth, but outside, James jumps the railing and hits Stark with a moonsault. Perez came back and threw James down the steel stairs but then got out herself. Meanwhile, Perez can sneak up on Stark.

Jade – 1

Hartwell – 1

James – 0

Perez – 1

Stark – 1

The four ladies fight while Stark is stuck in the box while Hartwell punches Jade out of the ring. Stark gets back into the match and starts cleaning up the house, nailing big boots as James is thrown across the ring, but Perez charges in to take her out. She then dives out of the ring to finish off Hartwell, then Jade attacks the others outside while Stark watches. You head to the top rope and then jump out with a cross body to attack them all.

Stark is then attacked by Hartwell who is planted by James on the mat while Perez nails her with a backstab. Then Jade appears and they go back and forth until Perez hits Pop Rocks.

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Jade – 1

Hartwell – 1

James – 0

Perez – 2

Stark – 1

All the remaining women frantically look forward to the fall, with Hartwell and Perez spilling out, meanwhile Stark pins James with a kick to the face, and all the women end up participating. In the end, Jade tries to get Perez out, but she rolls to the ground and time runs out.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

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