Brazil’s biggest serial killer ‘Pedrinho Matador’ killed in front of his sister’s house – DNOTICIAS.PT

Pedro Rodrigues Filho, Brazil’s deadliest serial killer, was killed by masked men today in front of his sister’s house on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, official sources said.

Responsible for more than 100 murders, as he confessed, including his father, “Petrinho the Matador,” as he was known, he was released in 2018, served 42 years in prison, and became famous on the video platform. YouTube. He also published a book and made a documentary. The 68-year-old killer was gunned down in front of his sister’s house in the Ponte Grande neighborhood in the municipality of Mogi das Cruz, on the outskirts of Sao Paulo. According to police, several masked men got out of the car and opened fire at close range.

“Pedrinho Matador” has been accused of killing at least 71 people, including drug traffickers, rapists, pedophiles and thieves, despite admitting to killing more than 100 people. In interviews, the killer said he killed people with criminal pasts “for pleasure and revenge” because he thought he had “done good for society”. Coming from a poor background, Pedro Rodríguez Filho was never able to study, and at the age of 10 he was already stealing in the city of São Paulo. He allegedly killed his first victims at the age of 11.

While his father was unemployed, Rodríguez Filho did not hesitate to shoot the vice president of the municipality of Alfenas for allegedly stealing and firing him. Years later, “Pedrinho Matador” killed his father when he discovered that he had stabbed his mother to death.

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