Bolsonaro’s former minister was arrested following the triad’s raid

Brazilian Federal Police arrested former justice minister of Jair Bolsonaro’s government, Andersen Torres, in Brasília on Saturday as part of an investigation into last Sunday’s attacks on the triad’s headquarters, official sources said.

The former minister of the Federal District (capital, Brasilia) and former secretary of public security was arrested by authorities this morning at Brasilia’s international airport after arriving from Miami, USA.

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) ordered the arrest of Torres for failing to prevent attacks by thousands of Bolsonaros against the triad headquarters on Sunday. District. Federal.

On Friday, the STF announced the opening of an investigation against the suspended governor of the Federal District (DF) Ibaneis Rocha and Anderson Torres.

On Sunday, thousands of Bolsonaros attacked the presidential headquarters, the Federal Supreme Court and the National Congress under investigation.

During the investigation, police raided Torres’ home on Tuesday and seized a draft decree allowing former President Jair Bolsonaro to intervene in the electoral judiciary with the aim of changing the outcome of the October 30 election.

The draft order, which was never approved or publicly presented, intervened in the High Electoral Court and declared a state of security (state of emergency) to “regulate the presidential election process”.

Justice Minister Flavio Tino said the document showed far-right extremists planned attacks against democratic institutions in Brazil.

Before the attacks on the headquarters of the three powers, the militants blocked roads, occupied a police station in Brasilia in mid-December and, days later, left an explosive device near the capital’s airport that was defused by police.

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The invasion of buildings began after Brazilian far-right militants who support the former president, who was defeated in elections last October by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, called for a protest on the Esplanada dos Ministérios in the Brazilian capital.

However, Judge Alexandre de Moraes of the Federal Supreme Court dismissed Federal District Governor Ibáñez Rocha for 90 days, considering both the governor and former defense secretary and Bolsonaro’s former justice minister to have acted negligently. Neglect.

Brazilian police identified, interrogated and arrested 1,159 ‘Bolsonaristas’ involved in raids and sabotage of the three powers’ headquarters in Brasilia, according to a report by the Federal Police.

“In total, 1,843 people were taken to the National Police Academy by the Military Police of the Federal District. All the prisoners were identified by the Federal Police and will answer to the extent of their responsibilities, crimes such as terrorism, criminal association, attack against the democratic rule of law, coup d’état, harassment, incitement to crime, etc.” Federal Police said.

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