Biden: UN condemnation of Russian ‘illegal ties’ in Ukraine sends ‘clear message’ to Moscow

Joe Biden underlined that this position means that Russia cannot “wipe a sovereign state off the map.”

“143 countries stand for freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the US president said in a statement.

On Wednesday, the UN General Assembly’s 193 member states approved a resolution condemning Russia’s annexation of Ukrainian territories by 143 votes to 143, reinforcing Moscow’s isolation on the international stage.

Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Nicaragua voted against, while 35 countries abstained, including China, India, Pakistan and South Africa.

Besides demanding that Russia reverse its annexation of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia, the resolution declares Moscow’s actions a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and contrary to the principles of the UN Charter.

The resolution clearly condemns Russia’s “illegal referendums” and “illegal annexation attempt” and says they are invalid under international law.

The text encourages resolving the conflict through “political dialogue, negotiation, mediation and other peaceful means” while respecting Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders and the principles of the UN Charter.

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