Be prepared! According to Phil the groundhog, there are 6 more weeks of winter

If you’ve had enough of the cold (and you’re superstitious), there’s more news, and winter will last longer. Famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil came out of his hole and predicted 6 more weeks of winter this Wednesday as usual. Part of the Groundhog Day tradition in Punxsutawney, the prediction came true for the 137th time at Gobblers Knob in Pennsylvania, USA.

According to the prediction chosen by the marmot this morning, when he leaves the hole, spring is still far away, and the marmot returns to the shelter after seeing his shadow, after being awakened by three rings on the door.

“On this February 2, 2023, Punxsutawney Phil, the seer of seers, woke up from his cave, looked up at the sky, and chose to tell you this: I see this morning brought great men, I see courage, I see the spirit warrior. I can see and feel the excitement. I see the white-haired weary, the younger ones uncomfortable, eyes sparkling in the air of Punxtawny. “I’m a sage, but most of all I see my shadow, so no matter how you measure it, it’s still six weeks of winter,” read the president of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, which organizes the event each year.

The day, which brings together thousands of people from around the world to celebrate the predictions of the Punxsutawney Groundhog, has its roots in the Catholic traditions of the day Jesus was delivered on time.

On February 2, tradition dictates that Christians carry blessing candles in churches. According to popular belief, this is a way to bring abundance and blessings to the home throughout the winter.

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Over time, elevation has been associated with predicting how long winters will be. In Germany, it is believed that if a porcupine saw its shadow on that day, it would mean a “second winter,” meaning six more weeks of cold weather. When German settlers came to America, they introduced myths and legends.

Because there are no porcupines in America, another hibernating animal was chosen: the groundhog. According to the oldest newspaper records, it began to be celebrated in Punxsutawney in 1886.

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