Are you traveling by plane and need to take medication? Pay attention to this!

“WThe increase in life expectancy and the prevalence of diseases that require regular medication – for example, chronic diseases – require more people to travel with their medications”, the Hospital da Luz notes, however, there are aspects that you should take into account. .

If your medication goes in your hold luggage, you run the risk of “experiencing extreme temperature conditions that could cause changes in the medication.” This is the case with insulin, for example.

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Therefore, “ensure that refrigerated medicines are transported between 2ºC-8ºC, for example using thermal bags with ice packs, but be careful not to freeze medicines”. Also, “make sure you have a refrigerator during your stay,” recommends Hospital Da Luz.

“In the absence of safety information, this should be done at room temperature, i.e. between 20ºC and 25ºC, without exceeding this temperature range for too long.”

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