Apple has discontinued Telegram’s latest emoji update

Telegram released a new update on Frida, just a day after Telegram CEO and founder Pavel Durov said the update had been in Apple’s app review for two weeks. without explanation. The update is full of emoji-related features, but one is missing because Apple specifically requested that it be removed, according to Dorov.

“Following extensive media coverage of my previous post, Apple has returned to us with a request to reduce the pending Telegram update by removing Telemoji – high-quality vector animation versions of the standard emoji,” Durov wrote on his Telegram channel Friday. “This is a puzzling move on Apple’s behalf, because Telemoji would have added a whole new dimension to low-res static emojis and would have greatly enriched its ecosystem.”

You can see the Telemoji in a short video embedded in Durov’s post (and I made a GIF of the video he shared). Personally, I think Telemoji sounds so much fun – I love the way they add some life to the static emojis I’m totally familiar with. But I think Apple had a problem with another company tweaking their designs in this way, and that might be why they asked Telegram to remove Telemoji from the update. Apple and Telegram did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Now I wish Apple would animate the standard emoji.
Video from Pavel Durovwhich I converted into a GIF

The update is loaded with other new emoji improvements. Users who subscribe to Telegram’s recently launched $4.99 premium service will be able to upload and use custom emojis in chats with friends, and Telegram offers 10 custom packs with over 500 emojis to get started. Free users will be able to see and use any of the animated emojis in their saved messages.

Telegram has also updated the Sticker Panel on iOS by creating separate tabs for stickers, GIFs, and emojis, like what you might be familiar with in Telegram on Android, the desktop, or the web. You can read the full list of updates In a Telegram blog post.

There are more improvements on the way. In a ‘few weeks’ time, Telegram will allow users to add any custom emoji in response to the message, Dorov saysAlthough this will only be a Premium feature to get started. I’m of the opinion that emoji reactions She is actually good – The more ways to use emojis, the better.

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