Another perspective. Exhibition in Moscow NATO “cruelty” – news

The “NATO: A Chronicle of Cruelty” exhibition opened at the Museum of Contemporary Russian History in Moscow in early April, a month after Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his army to invade pro-Western neighbors.

According to the museum, the exhibition is dedicated to NATO history, from the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the coalition bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and cooperation with Ukraine. “To the current conflict.

“I keep saying: it is difficult to talk about the crimes committed by NATO troops,” explains guide Yaroslav Bolastrov, 46.

The Kremlin sees the US-led military base as a threat to Russia and Putin accuses Washington of using Ukraine as a tool to drag Moscow into the conflict.

Since the beginning of the campaign in Ukraine, independent Russian media outlets have been shut down or shut down, while television channels have stepped up production of anti-Ukrainian and anti-Western propaganda.


According to museum researcher Fyodor Kokin, NATO played a key role in the Ukrainian conflict. “In practice, we see that the Coalition countries are very much involved in this conflict,” said Cogin, 28. “They supply Ukraine with weapons, equipment and ammunition,” he added.

Part of the model is “a British-made anti-tank missile used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” says Kokin. He says the exhibition was organized “in a few weeks” and has so far received 14,000 visitors.

The Polestrov guide shows students a combination of Ukrainian flags, a Nazi SS helmet and an American flag, along with a map showing the range of NATO missiles within Russia.

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According to the guide, those who do not agree with the organizers’ opinion can express their opinion in the guest book. In it, some appreciate the exhibition. “Children, teens and many adults need to see for themselves how rotten the Western world is,” wrote two women who signed their full names in a message read by AFP.

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