Angola President says UNITA is forming an alliance because it cannot defeat the MPLA – Observer

The Angolan president this Thursday, in Luanda, wants to compete in alliance with other political forces in this year’s general election, UNITA, because it is not ready to win the MPLA alone.

Speaking in an interview with five media outlets, including four Angolans (Expansão, TV Zimbo, Jornal de Angola and O País) and the Lusa Agency, João Lourenço asked that two questions be sent in advance. Questions about politics, economy, justice and social status.

The Angolan leader said the oppositionSince the first general election in Angola in 1992, Misread the country’s political “platform of action”.

“Since the 1992 elections, the opposition has made a” bad assessment of the arena “: already” in the 1992 elections they did not win the MPLA. [Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola, no poder] No chance for that, because until then it was just a party. It has already been said, even before the election, that it is open to many parties ‘New band in September’ “, but it did not happen, even in the next elections, Said João Lourenço.

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According to João Lourenço, “Once again for this election [em setembro de 2022], This bad rating continues in the Operations Theater ”.

“Basically, basically, the simple fact is that our main enemy is seeking some kind of alliance.”The United Patriotic Front has been called upon to confront the MPLAI just want to say that they are probably in a worse position than they were in the previous elections a few years ago, “he said.

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A National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA, Opposition), led by Atalberto da Costa Jr., Has already announced a joint application, With various opposition forces and civil society figures in a bid to win the August election.

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