An unprecedented solar eruption captured

It is the largest solar prominence observed in a single image with the full disk of the Sun, ESA He said in a statement Released on Friday.

The solar flare occurred on February 15 and stretched millions of miles into space. The image was taken by the Full Sun Imager of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager aboard the Solar Orbiter vehicle. Full Sun Imager is designed to capture the full solar disk even during passes close to the sun.

For now, there is still a lot of ‘view margin’ around the disk, allowing amazing detail to be captured by FSI to about 3.5 million kilometres, which is five times the radius of the Sun, ESA said.

“On the closest approach on March 26, which will see the spacecraft pass within 0.3 times the distance between the Sun and Earth, the Sun will fill a much larger portion of the telescope’s field of view.”

The European Space Agency described solar prominences as “large structures of interlocking magnetic field lines that maintain dense concentrations of solar plasma suspended above the surface of the Sun, sometimes in the form of arcuate rings.”

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Solar prominence is often associated with coronal mass ejections, which are an extremely powerful explosion of solar light, material, and energy from the Sun. If these projectiles were aimed at Earth, they could disrupt satellite-based technology. Emissions also cause the northern lights to occur.

However, in this case, the coronal mass ejection was moving away from us.

The European Space Agency said the images will allow space experts to understand for the first time how such events relate to the solar disk.

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The sun is getting more active. A new 11-year cycle began in 2019, and the solar maximum in that period – when activity peaks – is expected to occur midway through 2025.

It is important that you understand Solar cycle because space weather is caused by the sun Eruptions such as solar flares and coronal mass ejection events can affect the power grid, satellites, GPS, airlines, rockets, and astronauts in space.
Other space telescopes, such as the ESA/NASA SOHO satellite, often capture solar activity but are unable to produce detailed images. The sun’s corona or most of the outer layerwhich is very difficult to study.

Next week, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe and Solar Probe will conduct joint observations as Parker makes a close pass by the Sun.

Last year, the Parker spacecraft became The first to “touch the sun”. It has successfully flown through the solar corona, or upper atmosphere, to sample the particles and magnetic fields of our star.

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