Amnesty International tried to “shift” responsibility from the perpetrator to the victim, says Zelensky – Observer

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President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Amnesty International of trying to “pardon” Russia and shift responsibility from the aggressor to victim Ukraine.

“The aggression against our government is unprovoked, it is aggression and frankly terrorism. If someone files a report that the victim and the abuser were allegedly involved in something together, any data about the victim will be analyzed and what the abuser was doing at the same time will be ignored. This cannot be tolerated”, said Zelensky Speech Diary.

The Ukrainian leader stressed that there can be no conditions under which the Russian attack on Ukraine would be justified and denounced “selectivity” in the headlines of the statements.

“And in Olenivka in prison with prisoners of war? For some reason there is no information about this. It is an immoral choice“, he criticized. Zelensky was referring to the attack on the prison in Donetsk where dozens of Ukrainians were captured after the fall of Mariupol in May. According to the latest report by the authorities, 53 prisoners died and 75 were injured.

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The head of state’s criticism comes after Amnesty International concluded that civilians are at risk when Ukrainian forces set up military bases in residential areas and launch attacks from civilian areas.

Amnesty International Kiev forces also put civilians at risk

In a statement released on Thursday, the non-governmental organization asserted that these tactics violate international law and turn civilian zones into military objectives against which the Russians will retaliate.

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kuleba, has already been “outraged” by the organization’s “unfair” accusations. In a video released on FacebookDmytro Kuleba made accusations against Amnesty International, criticizing the NGO for “creating a false balance between the oppressor and the victim, between hundreds and thousands of citizens, cities, territories and the country being destroyed”. to defend furiously”.

Ukraine rejects Amnesty’s ‘unfair’ accusations of dangers imposed on civilians

Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the Ukrainian president, reacted to the report, assuring that “people’s lives” are “priority” and that residents of towns close to the fighting fronts are being evacuated.

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