Algeria threatens to break gas export agreement with Spain

Algeria warned Spain on Wednesday that it would “divert exported gas to any target other than the target set out in the agreement,” according to the Algerian Ministry of Mines and Energy. This information was provided by the official agency of the North African country.

Algerian Minister of Mining and Energy Mohamed Arkab said in a statement: “Through electronic news, Spanish envoy Theresa Ribeira today announced Spain’s decision to authorize the study in the reverse flow of the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline (GME).

GME, which supplied Algerian gas to Spain and Portugal via the Moroccan territory, was suspended in October 2021 after a 25-year agreement expired amid full tensions between Algeria and Morocco.

Algeria “activity (requested by Spain for GME application) will be carried out today or tomorrow. [sexta-feira]”.

“The amount of Algerian natural gas supplied to Spain has no target other than that specified in the treaties, which would be considered a breach of contractual obligations and, therefore, would lead to a breach of the agreement connecting Sonatrack. [empresa petrolífera estatal da Argélia] To its Spanish customers “, he added.

Algeria is Spain’s main gas supplier, a key source of energy at a time when the crisis over the Russo-Ukrainian conflict has led the European Union (EU) to consider suspending gas purchases from Russia.

Spain, for its part, today refused to sell natural gas from Algeria to Morocco.

Evidence from the Ministry of Environmental Change and Population Challenge explained to EFE News that Spain has limited itself to responding to calls for support from its partner Morocco to guarantee its energy security in terms of trade relations between the two countries.

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Under the agreement, Morocco will be able to buy liquefied natural gas in international markets, unload it at a land-based recycling plant and reach its borders through the Maghreb gas pipeline, but it will not be Algerian.

In addition, the same sources illustrate the implementation of the mechanism of “total transparency”, discussed with Algeria in recent months and reported to the Algerian government today.

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