U.S.When an American teacher went to a testing center, he was arrested for locking his 13-year-old son, who was suffering from Covit-19 disease, in the trunk of a car. The woman aimed to protect herself from infection.
Sarah Beam, 41, her 13-year-old son, was charged with endangering a child after being asked to box by a witness at the Harris County Vaccine Center in Texas, who reportedly called authorities.
According to local media, Beam said the son was suffering from SARS-CoV-2 and went to the scene to re-examine the baby. So, to protect himself, he put it on the trunk.
It is noteworthy that he refused to be examined until the injured child was inside the vehicle.
Beam has been a teacher at Cyprus Falls High School since 2011 and is now on administrative leave, according to the same newspaper.
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