A BOLA – Moroccan supporters clash with police in Paris (Video) (France)

After the game between England and France this Saturday night, with a 2-1 victory over Gols, many supporters took to the streets of Paris to celebrate their 2-1 victory over their old rivals. , who sent the reigning world champions to the semi-finals, where they will face Morocco, who, in turn, beat Portugal 1-0 just hours earlier.

Moroccan supporters, together with supporters of other Maghreb nations, left the Quinas team and shared the achievement of the selection – knowing the weight this community holds not only in Paris, but in France in general -, from the end of the game against Portugal, on the famous avenue of Campos Eliseos, next to the iconic square of the Arc de Triomphe. They celebrated this historic victory. Your choice, environment fermentedforcing the call-up of Gallic security forces.

French interventionist police had to disperse the crowd, and supporters set fire to cars and shop windows, using pyrotechnic devices aimed at violent incidents and celebrations in Morocco.

Watch the video:

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