Companies that invest in renewables pay 25% less for energy

The government will reduce public economic benefits costs by up to 85% for companies that incorporate more than 50% renewable energy in their electricity consumption. The item weighs about 30% of the invoice.

Companies will now get a discount of up to 85% on a component weighing one-third of their electricity bill. The move was announced by the government on Friday as part of a package of measures for energy transition and mobility.

The executive announced the creation of the Electro-Intensive Consumers Act, “which includes ceramics, glass industries, textiles, metalworking, etc. A large portion of our SMEs are in this electro-intensive consumer segment and have been hit hard by the increase in energy prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” at a ministerial conference on environment. And said the Minister of Energy.

“The price of electricity will come down, the cost will be lower. In the previous definition the number of companies was very small, now the number of companies will be much higher,” said Maria da Graça Carvalho.

The official explained that companies will get a rebate on Common Economic Interest (CIEG) charges weighted at 30% of the electricity bill. “They will get a 75% to 85% discount, which means they will pay 25% to 15% of these costs,” he told the conference.

Companies that incorporate more than 50% renewable energy in their electricity consumption will only pay 15% of the CIEG cost. “Massive reduction in electricity bill at the end of the month. It will be of great help to the departments that have been waiting for years. Prepare them for any future crisis.

Renovation of wind and solar power plants exempted from new environmental assessment

According to Maria da Graça Carvalho’s statement at the same conference, the renovation of existing wind and solar power plants will be exempted from the new Environmental Assessment (EIA).

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“In the case of rehabilitating an existing wind farm or solar power plant, if you have an old one and want to build a new one, if you have EIA approval, you don’t need a second approval,” the minister said. Environment in conference.

Retrofitting a plant involves replacing old equipment with new ones, and allows for a 20% increase in plant power.

“There are many wind farms that need to be upgraded, and unless there is a significant difference, it’s in Diploma, like the height of the wind towers, that doesn’t require a new EIA study, which it will. New parks, where they already exist, are very easy to bring in. This is important for our renewable energy sector and our 2030 goals. ” said Maria da Graça Carvalho.

The minister also said that the government is working on changing the European directive to ensure public interest in renewable energy plants. This means that these projects are now considered to be in the public interest, a legal figure that gives these projects greater strength in cases where their construction is challenged in court. With this move, it is expected that there will be fewer challenges to these schemes in court.

“Public interest applies to renewable energies, as well as power transmission lines and batteries. It is important to speed up the entire process of renewable energy, lines and storage,” he added.

Check four thousand euros for trams, but it is mandatory to give the car for scrapping

The government will allocate a check for four thousand euros for the purchase of an electric car, but it is mandatory to give the car for scrapping. If it is IPSS the value can go up to five thousand Euros. The maximum value of the vehicle drops from 62,500 euros to 38,500 euros.

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The total annual budget reaches 20 million euros to support the purchase of light cars, electric and conventional bicycles, motorcycles and mobility devices and electric vehicle chargers.

At the same time, the government approved support for “the acquisition of zero-emission vehicles dedicated to logistics worth 3.5 million euros.”

• Six thousand euros support per light goods vehicle, totaling 1.2 million euros (33% increase compared to 2023)

• 1,500 euros for an electric bicycle and 1,000 euros for a regular bicycle, totaling 300,000 euros

Green Rail Pass: annual savings of up to 3,650 euros

The government issued the Green Railway Pass (PFV) on Friday, which costs 20 euros per month and gives access to several CP services (intercity service (2nd class, with reservation), regional service, regional service, Coimbra urban services, Lisbon and Porto outside the area covered by metropolitan intercity passes). ).

Infrastructure Minister Miguel Pinto Luz warned of the need to reserve a seat “24 hours in advance” for intercity service in 2nd class.

In the simulations presented by the government and compared to the use of their own car, the annual savings for a resident of Santarem who commutes daily to work in Lisbon will reach 3,650 euros (with monthly costs of 352 euros per month, the trip is shared by 2 people).

If a worker living in Aveiro works in Porto two days a week (costing 13 euros per trip), savings with PFV reach 924 euros per year, allowing the pass to be paid in two trips.

In the case of a resident who travels from Entroncamendo to Castelo Branco once a week, the annual savings of PFV will reach 1,540 euros (a cost of 160 euros per month).

A student from Faro living in Lisbon, with four trips per month to visit his family at the weekend, would save €1,210 a year with PFV compared to €130 for a round trip (with costs shared between four people).

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In the Algarve, a resident of Albufeira commutes daily to Faro, saving 2,684 euros a year, at a cost of 264 euros a month.

If a resident of Beja travels to Lisbon twice a week, the PFV saves 0s 3,036 euros per year, compared to a round trip cost of 296 euros per month.

In the case of a family living in Lisbon, but returning to Prague once a month, the savings reach 1,056 euros per year, compared to a round trip cost of 156 euros per month.

The government is creating a climate agency

The government will create a Climate Agency (ApC). It also aims to achieve: efficiency, planning, speed in evaluations, open and transparent competitions, monitoring and accountability.

“The climate agency will manage the environmental fund, which will manage the PRR in the area of ​​climate and energy. We need a professional structure,” Environment and Energy Minister Maria da Graça Carvalho said on Friday.

Among the new measures planned, the administrator wants to make it easier to license renewable energy projects; Development of self-consumption and simplified renewable energy communities for small consumers such as condominiums, universities, small businesses and communities.

At the same time, small solar photovoltaic production units are expected to start production once they receive the compliance report issued by the certified company.

To speed up licensing, the Executive Director (RED III) is preparing a change to clarify “requirements to allow exemptions to AIA in the case of re-equipment of primary solar and wind power plants.”

Also, “the procedure for granting licenses to renewable energy plants includes consideration of public interest”.

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