Sanchez, Feige, Abascal or Diaz. Candidates and projects are at stake in the Spanish elections

Everything points to According to most polls published till Tuesday, Alberto Nuñez Feijóo’s Popular Party to turn right with victory. But without an absolute majority, the PP would need a coalition with Santiago Abascal’s far-right Vox party to govern.

Only one of the polls, Last published by the General Organization Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS), This contradicted predictions of a right-wing advantage and gave Pedro Sánchez’s Socialist Party (PSOE) a victory, while Sumer, the left’s new base, took Yolanda Díaz’s third place.

The battle for third place, between Santiago Abascal’s Vox and Yolanda Díaz’s Sumer, is decisive for Spain’s future. A party consecrated as a third political force can allow a progressive government to re-evaluate with the PSOE, in this case Sumer, or change the course of the country and form a new conservative and nationalist government, which happens with Vox.

The four preferred candidates for the presidency of the Spanish government present different ideas, proposals and visions for the country..

who The candidates who want to govern and what they want to do with Spain?

Sumer, PSOE, PP and Vox election programs | Version – RTP

  • Pedro Sánchez, leader of the Socialist Party (PSOE).

Pedro Sanchez (Madrid, 51 years old) He is the current Prime Minister of Spain and the leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party. After a successful no-confidence vote against Mariano Rajoy, he came to power in 2018 and was re-elected prime minister in the November 2019 legislative elections.

Key Activities:

  • “Economic Policy in the Service of Citizenship”: Stimulating sustainable economic growth and job creation with support measures for small and medium enterprises.

  • “A social elevator that guarantees well-being and equal opportunities”: Investing in education and public health to improve access and quality of services.

  • “A Green Agenda”: Implementing policies to promote environmental change through renewable energy and combating climate change.

  • “Female Spain”: Promoting equality and social inclusion policies with a focus on gender issues and pay equity.
    “Open to the World”: Strengthening European unity, demonstrating support for Ukraine in its struggle for peace, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo, President of the Popular Party (PP).
Alberto Nunez Feijoo (Ourense, Galicia, 61 years old) Current President of the Popular Party and former President of the Regional Government of Galicia. The centre-right party’s new leader succeeded Pablo Casado in April last year, leading the autonomous region of Galicia four terms with an absolute majority. Known as a centrist rather than a conservative, he defends economic stability and national unity as fundamental pillars.

Key Activities:

  • “Growing Steadily”: Reducing the tax burden and “immediate tax relief for families”, eliminating the tax on large assets, stimulating economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises.
  • “Care and Prosperity”: Implementation of the State Agreement to promote professional and family life, maternity, paternity and family harmony and a single university entrance exam for the entire country.
  • “Revival and Respect”: Reform of the “Democratic Remembrance Law” through a new Consensus Law and Organic Law of the Constitutional Court to “restore its institutional dignity and ensure the professional excellence, political engagement and exemplary character of its members”.
  • “Service”: Wants to improve citizens’ rights, reform the public administration of the state in relation to executive action and intelligence and restore “personal, face-to-face and without delay”, “extended hours and without prior appointment”, more transparent service.
  • “Leadership and Influence”: Commitment to strengthening ties with the Ibero-American Community and leading European efforts to sign the “EU-Mercosar Agreement.”

Access the PP Election Program here

  • Vox Party leader Santiago Abascal

Santiago Abascal (Bilbao, Basque Country, 47 years old) He is the leader of the far-right Spanish party Vox since 2014 and is a candidate for a fourth term in the legislative elections. Known for its nationalist, Eurosceptic and anti-immigration approach, it supports the defense of traditional Spanish values, border control and greater centralization of state power.

Key Activities:

  • “Equality among the Spaniards”: Reducing regional autonomy and centralizing power in Madrid, with an immediate return to the state of competences in matters of education, health, security and justice.
  • “Unity of Spain”: Defense of national unity, opposition to Catalan separatism, democratic memory or repeal of LGBTI law.
  • “Decent Jobs and Wages”: Wage hikes, drastic reductions in taxes and unfair regulation, increased tax incentives for hiring young people, over 45s, pregnant women or mothers and fathers of disabled children;
  • “Line for Prosperity”: Abolition of tax on large estates, abolition of tax on wealth, inheritance, donations and capital gains throughout the national territory.
  • “Safety and Security”: Strengthening borders and more restrictive immigration policies.

  • Yolanda Díaz, leader of the Sumer Party
Yolanda Diaz (Fene, Coruna, 52 years old) From 2021 Pedro Sánchez’s current government is Vice President Sumerin and from 2020 Minister of Labor and Social Economy. Until September 2021, he was one of the main figures of the Unita Podemos party. The leftist leader, considered progressive, aims to “improve people’s lives” through “economic and socio-ecological democracy” and a “well-being society” that is fair, healthy and green.

Key Activities:

  • More jobs, with better working conditions” By reducing the unemployment rate, creating new jobs, and reducing working hours without lowering wages or raising the minimum wage.
  • “Increasing Purchasing Power to Counter the Effects of Inflation” Controlling the cost of leases, establishing a basic, diverse, quality shopping basket that is accessible to all households, or making it easier for households to pay variable rate mortgages.
  • “Promoting Gender Equality in the Labor Market and Providing Care” By closing the gender pay gap and applying the principle of equal pay for equal work.
  • “More Equality and Better Social Security” Help young people to continue their studies or start a business and be independent at the age of 23 by implementing a “universal grant” of 20 000 euros.
  • “Fair Taxation” Deep reform of the Spanish tax system and promoting better public policies.

Access the Sumer Election Program here

Elections are held today on Sunday. Pedro Sánchez decided to bring forward the decision of the XIV Legislature after the defeat of the leftist parties in the municipal and regional elections in May. A date when many citizens are on summer vacation.

According to the Spanish Post Office, the highest number of postal requests in history was registered – 2.6 million. As per the data known on Saturday, more than 2.47 million voters gave this option.

Left or right, winning absolute majorities or coalitions, the fate of the neighboring country remains open until after the election.

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